Talent management is the process of ensuring that companies have a steady supply of talented people. Talent management strategies can help companies better attract and retain employees, which in turn helps improve overall performance and productivity.

What Is Talent Management?
Talent management is the process of managing and developing the workforce. It includes identifying and developing talent and ensuring that businesses have the right people with the right skills in the right roles. Talent management ensures that businesses can respond to changing needs. And remain innovative and competitive by attracting, selecting, integrating, and retaining their human capital. People are important assets to any organization. It's critical for executives to understand how they can be leveraged effectively through effective talent management practices. So they stay ahead of their competition.
HR Talent Management
It's important to understand that HR Talent Management is a strategic process, not a tactical one. It's an integrated approach that encompasses all aspects of human capital management. And it should be used as part of an organization's overall HR strategy. In short, HR Talent Management involves the management of all aspects of human capital within your organization, including:
- Recruitment
- Selection
- Compensation & Benefits
- Training & Development
How is Talent Management important
Talent Management is important for many reasons. It helps businesses improve performance, drive innovation, decrease turnover and motivate others to grow.
It allows companies to stay competitive by ensuring there are enough skilled workers at all levels of the organization to deliver great products and services. Talent management also leads to strong employer branding by attracting star employees who positively influence their peers with their skills and knowledge.
It helps businesses improve performance
Talent Management helps businesses improve performance. It helps them stay competitive, achieve their goals, grow, become more profitable and retain talent. If you're a business owner or leader responsible for your company's success in any way. Talent Management is an essential tool to help you do that. This can be achieved by attracting talent to your company and retaining them; it also means keeping customers happy with strong customer service and support.
It drives innovation
Talent management can help organizations identify new growth opportunities. It can also help them to attract and retain the best talent. Also, improve performance, and sustain success in a competitive marketplace.
The purpose of talent management is not to replace traditional HR practices but rather to complement them. As such, it should be implemented across an organization's entire workforce. From those at the top of their respective industries down through employees at every level of their organizations.
It decreases turnover
It's no secret that turnover is expensive. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it costs an average of 20% of a new employee's annual salary to replace them—and if you're underpaying your employees, that cost can be much higher. However, talent management programs can help reduce turnover by providing good training and development programs, making employees feel valued (and therefore less likely to leave), and giving them the sense that they're part of something bigger than themselves (a sense of purpose).
It motivates others to grow
Talent management is a continuous process that helps employees grow and develop. It motivates them to work harder, which in turn, makes them feel more valued.
It allows companies to stay competitive
Talent management is the process of identifying, recruiting, and retaining employees. It's also a means to keep your company competitive by helping you stay ahead of the curve and on top of the market.
Some companies may view talent management as ensuring they retain their top performers or key players. But it can also be used as a way for businesses to gain an edge over their competition by identifying what people want from an employer.
It helps form productive teams
As you build a talent management strategy, you'll want to remember that it's not just about recruiting great employees. It's also about developing productive teams. As I mentioned, many companies focus on the front end of talent management—the hiring process—but neglect to focus on all the following steps. Talent management is more than just ensuring there are enough good people in the pipeline; it's ensuring those people work together effectively and efficiently.
- Building a cohesive team: When you're implementing talent management strategies at your company, building cohesive teams will be important. This means having group members who understand their roles within the organization and what they need from teammates around them to succeed in their own goals.
- Communication: One way for this goal of cohesive teams to be achieved is through effective communication between coworkers with diverse skill sets and areas of expertise across a spectrum of specialties (for example, an accountant might need help from someone with knowledge about financial regulations). The point is that everyone needs some understanding of another person's job. Not just where they sit or what department they work in. And so, partway through implementing this strategy should be setting up regular meetings where all employees can discuss any issues or concerns with each other.
It leads to strong employer branding
Not only does talent management help you attract and retain the best people, but it also helps you build a strong employer brand. After all, a strong employer brand is important for attracting top talent and retaining them.
Employer branding is about being good to both your customers and employees. You want to be seen as a good employer by both groups.
There are two ways to view your company's relationship with its employees:
- Customers see how you treat your employees when interacting with them (customer service reps, product or service delivery teams, etc.)
- Employees see how you treat them internally (promotions/compensation management system, performance reviews, etc.)
What should a Talent Management model include
Talent management is a systematic approach to building and maintaining an organization's talent. It should focus on the four core elements of recruiting, retaining, and developing employees and transitioning them into new roles within your company.
This is a very high-level view of the Talent Management process. But if you think about it, all four of these stages rely on planning to be successful. Planning helps you identify gaps in your talent pipeline and understand what skills are needed when—so that when an opportunity comes up, you're ready with the right people with the right experience and expertise to take advantage of it.
Planning also involves thinking about who will do what job—and how much work will be involved for them—and how many people will be working in each role (for example: "I need someone who can manage my social media accounts"). This way, you can figure out whether there are currently enough people on staff capable of doing this job—or whether we need more resources within our organization before we can get started with this project!
- Attract the right people.
- Use social media to attract the right people.
- You can use employee referral programs to attract the right people.
- Use job boards to attract the right people.
- Also, use job fairs to attract the right people
Developing employees is a long-term process. It involves training, coaching, and mentoring. In addition, developing employees is a two-way process; employers need to be prepared to learn from their employees as much as they expect them to learn from them.
Employees must be willing to take on new challenges, even working at something outside their core competencies. For example, suppose your company uses an integrated Talent Management system. In that case, it's easy for managers and HR professionals to keep track of each employee's progress throughout their career at your company.
Retaining talent is a key part of talent management. The goal of retaining employees is to keep them engaged and happy in their roles, so they remain with your organization for the long term. But this can be not easy, especially when you're dealing with an ever-changing workforce.
Employee retention strategies include:
- Retention bonuses
- Tuition reimbursement programs
- Performance-based promotions
- Employee referral programs
The transition phase is the last step in a person's career with an organization, and it's one of the most important parts of talent management. Transition helps employees move on to their next job by providing them with resources like tips from other employees who have made similar moves. Lists of important skills and traits for future roles and advice on social media etiquette when discussing current or previous jobs. This section can also include information about creating a resume for different positions, what questions you should ask during interviews, etc. It's best if this section is accessible from anywhere within your website so that you can provide this information at any point during someone's employment journey.
Tips to build Talent Management strategy
It's important to determine what kind of talent management strategy you will have and how you'll measure the results. By doing this, you can determine who will be responsible for each aspect of your talent management strategy and ensure they know what they need to do.
In addition, it's important to communicate with employees about your new program so that everyone knows what's happening.
Know what your Talent Management Strategy is for
Before you start, it is important to define the problem that you are trying to solve. This will help ensure that your strategy meets your company's needs and helps with accountability. However, make sure you do not over-complicate or under-complicate this step!
Measure the results
Now that you've done the hard work defining your goals, it's time to ensure your team is on the same page.
But before you can even think about measuring results, you need to know what metrics to look at—and how to measure them. Here are some guidelines:
- Think about what will be most useful for you and your team. Your goal should be specific enough that everyone understands their part in achieving it but broad enough that there are multiple ways they can contribute. For example, suppose you're trying to increase employee retention rates by 20%. In that case, it could mean improving retention rates across all departments or increasing them by 20% in one area over another (say, salespeople versus customer service reps).
- Remember areas outside HR! This may sound obvious, but talent management isn't just about recruiting and retaining employees; it also includes training programs and benefits management (like health insurance). Gather information from other teams so everyone can access relevant data points when discussing progress toward goals.
Assign responsibilities
It's important to assign responsibilities in a way that aligns with the company's goals as well as the individual's goals. The best way to do this is by using a skill-based approach and assessing each person's skillset based on their previous experience and performance.
Communicate with employees
Regular and consistent communication is key to managing talent. Employees need to know how they are doing, what they can do better, and how they can advance their careers.
Communication should not be limited to annual performance review meetings—it must be ongoing throughout the year. Managers should communicate with employees one-on-one and in larger groups about company updates or changes that impact everyone involved in the organization.
Managers should also take time out of each day (or week) to sit down with their direct reports individually and have a constructive conversation about what's going on in their lives both at work and outside work. This will help build stronger relationships between managers and employees and improve the morale of everyone involved.
The Talent Management 7 phases
The process of developing and maintaining a highly-qualified team is a continuous one. You must always be ready to meet your talent needs, whether hiring new employees or providing opportunities for existing ones. This section will cover the 7 phases of Talent Management:
- Specifying what skills you need in your organization.
- Attracting the right people.
- Onboarding and organizing work.
- Organizing learning and development.
- Holding performance appraisals.
- Strategizing to retain your best talent.
Step 1: Specify what skills you need
The first step in the talent management process is to identify what skills are required for your team. There are several ways you can go about this:
- Define the most important and less important skills. If you're hiring a chef, they might not need to know how to bake cakes, but they need experience cooking at high temperatures. On the other hand, if you're hiring an electrician, knowing how to read a map isn't that important—but being able to read an electrical schematic certainly is!
- Identify any skills that aren't necessary (or may even be harmful). For example, if there was a job opening for an IT technician and one candidate had excellent communication skills but no technical knowledge at all. In contrast, another candidate had great technical expertise but poor communication abilities. It would make sense for companies who need technicians over consultants!
Step 2: Attract the right people
When attracting the right people, you need to think strategically. As a manager, it's your job to create an environment that attracts talent and keeps them around for the long haul. This means providing clear paths for growth and development, offering competitive compensation packages, and ensuring everyone on your team is happy. It also involves showing them how they fit into your company's culture—and ensuring they have access to everything they need to do their jobs well: tools, resources, and training opportunities. The list goes on!

Step 3: Onboard and organize the work
The final step in the process is onboarding and organizing work. This is the process of integrating new employees into the workplace, including training them on how to do their job, helping them understand company culture and policies, and showing them where to find resources to help them succeed. Onboarding should start before an employee starts work—it's not just about training new hires on what they need to know.
It's also about ensuring they're aware of company expectations and cultural norms so they can avoid mistakes when they start.
Onboarding should include an orientation to the company, its culture, and its systems (including any technology). Ideally, this will happen during a formal orientation session at your office or when you still take someone out on a tour of your facilities or campus if scheduling conflicts prevent this from happening immediately after hiring. Or if you're hiring someone remotely—you may have other options. For example, you might schedule an initial meeting via video conference before giving them remote access through email or chat applications like Slack. Then, once face-to-face meetings become possible again after onboarding has been completed successfully over multiple sessions at different locations, those meetings can be scheduled too!
Step 4: Organize Learning and Development
One of the most important steps in talent management is organizing learning and development. Learning and development help your employees grow, making them more engaged and productive, so it's important to ensure that there are opportunities for it.
Organizing learning and development starts with identifying who needs to develop their skills as part of their job. If someone needs to learn about customer service, for example, you'd want to assign them a mentor who can help guide them through the process.
You'll also need to create an employee career map that outlines the progression of roles within your company (from intern to junior manager). This shows employees what they need to do for them to be promoted into higher positions at your company or even into similar roles elsewhere if that's something they want eventually!
Step 5: Hold performance appraisals
You should have a formal process and tool to conduct performance reviews with all employees, not just your high performers. Use the same format and schedule for everyone, so employees know what to expect. This makes it easier for you to compare apples to apples and gives them insight into how they perform relative to others in their group or department.
Step 6: Strategize to retain your best talent
Employee retention is important for any organization. The cost of hiring and training new employees and the loss of productivity when top performers leave is often more than you can afford to lose. Companies that build a culture of loyalty among their top performers have an advantage over those that do not. There are several strategies you can use to increase employee retention rates:
- Track data on turnover rates and reasons for leaving so you know where your organization stands in terms of talent retention against competitors or industry standards;
- Develop a strategy for how to handle low performers who continue to underperform despite repeated coaching or performance reviews;
- Establish clear career paths so people understand what they need to do to get promoted within your company;
- Create incentives such as bonuses or promotions that promote loyalty among staff members who have been with you the longest (this may require some additional budgeting).
Step 7: Plan for successions
It's essential to plan for all kinds of change, including succession, retirement, and disability. The organization's needs drive the process of succession planning. For example:
- Leadership changes may indicate a need to develop new leaders from within or bring in external talent.
- Retirement can open up opportunities for employees to prepare for their careers. It also creates openings where new people can be brought into an organization.
- Disability requires organizations to make sure they have adequate coverage on their disability insurance policies so that they are protected against such events and can get back up on their feet as quickly as possible after such an event occurs (i.e., losing an employee).
As you can see, there's so much more to talent management than hiring the right people. So many different factors go into it—even more if you want to succeed! So make sure you know what strategy will work best for your company and how much time and effort it will take. But don't worry too much about making mistakes along the way: That's just part of the learning process when building a new program like this!