
Just-in-Time Training: Definition & Benefits

Just-in-time training is a process which helps us immensely. Just-in-time training has helped me to do my job better.

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You manage employees who can perform their jobs accurately and precisely, and the company depends on you. Having well-trained employees saves you time and money. So you must figure out a way to train people in skills they'll never use.

Just-in-time training is a solution that gives employees precisely what they need at the right time so you can save time and money while creating happier workers who feel appreciated by their employer.

Just-in-Time Training

Just-In-Time Training Is The Best Solution

Employee just-in-time training is the best solution for decreasing confusion, lowering costs, and boosting morale.

It's a more efficient way to learn.

You can save money by not buying additional equipment or hiring outside contractors.

And it increases employee morale because they don't have to wait around for training if they need it immediately.

We can do this training on various platforms, including webinars, video conferencing software, and mobile apps. This gives you more flexibility in training your employees without investing in new equipment or software.

Just-in-time training is also a great way to ensure that employees understand exactly what we expect them to accomplish. This can be especially helpful for new hires who may need to learn the company's goals or mission statement.

Advantages of Just-in-Time Training


Just-in-time training is a cost-effective solution for companies. It reduces confusion and stress, which helps keep your employees happy and means fewer calls to the help desk. The result? A more productive workforce that can focus on achieving its goals without feeling bogged down by irrelevant information.

Increases morale

Just-in-time training also increases morale among staff members. Rather than spending hours each week learning material they may never use, employees are given just enough information about their daily tasks to complete them successfully—and then they're set free!

Allows skills practice

This allows workers to practice their skills at home or in a coffee shop (or wherever) until the next time they need those skills applied on the job site: no wasted time sitting through boring meetings with PowerPoint presentations that no one cares about anyway!

Disadvantages of Just-in-Time Training


It can be expensive. Just-in-time training requires handholding and support, which can add up to much money.


It's time-consuming. If you're paying someone (or buying software) to walk you through the steps, it might take weeks or months before they get around to teaching everything you need.


It can be confusing and frustrating if you need to know what resources your company has available or where they are located within their system(s). This will need to be clarified when trying to follow along with other employees more familiar with these systems than you are at first glance. Even worse, some employees may intentionally mislead new hires by directing them toward incorrect information because they have something personal against them (e.g., jealousy over getting promoted instead).

Waste of time

It can be a waste of time. As mentioned above, training takes time — and that's not always something you have in abundance as an employee. In addition, if your company has already invested in training software or other resources for new hires, it might not make sense to spend more money on hiring someone else to walk you through the steps.


It can be impersonal. While companies must establish a training program that meets their specific needs, the one-size-fits-all approach could be more effective. Training software or other resources may be designed with something other than your company's culture in mind. For example, if your company has a laidback atmosphere where employees are encouraged to "just do it," sending everyone through hours of rigid training might not work out as well as expected.

It can be frustrating for new hires. If your company has a training program, then you're probably familiar with how time-consuming and tedious it can be to go through each step at a snail's pace. For example, if you're learning to use Microsoft Word, there are many different ways that users can navigate through the software (pulling up menus vs. using keyboard shortcuts).

When you're new to the company, it can be frustrating to learn how everything works. If you're thrown into a training program that is not customized to your needs, then it may feel like you're being forced through hoops.

Just-in-Time Training

How to create Just-In-Time Training

  • Use a training management system to track the progress of your team's learning, set goals and objectives, and monitor the effectiveness of your training programs.
  • Use an LMS to create interactive e-learning courses to supplement classroom-based training or as stand-alone online learning tools.


If you're looking for a way to make your training more effective, Just-in-time training could be the answer. This method is based on the idea that learners should receive just enough information at the right time and place rather than trying to remember or retain information that may be irrelevant.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • It saves money because you can train fewer people on everything.
  • Employees are more engaged and productive when they receive only what they need when they need it. They'll also feel like they're being treated with respect, which can increase employee morale and loyalty.

Just-in-time training is an approach to learning that's been around for decades. It's also known as just enough training, just-in-time learning, or on-demand training.

The core concept of just-in-time is that you only get the training you need when you need it (when a new task or project comes up). This can help reduce costs by eliminating unnecessary repetition of material that may have already been covered.

Still, it allows employees to learn new skills when needed instead of waiting until the next scheduled class or course.

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