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11 Best Cohort Based Courses of 2025

What are Cohort-Based Courses? Cohort-based courses are the future of education. With the world still caught up in the whirlpool of Covid19, learning has found this new medium to thrive on. The term ‘cohort’ means a group of people who...

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What are Cohort-Based Courses?

Cohort-based courses are the future of education. With the world still caught up in the whirlpool of Covid19, learning has found this new medium to thrive on. The term 'cohort' means a group of people who share similar characteristics and tasks. In the domain of E-learning, Cohort-based courses refer to specially designed live courses that target a set of like-minded people who join in for collective learning.

Cohort courses follow the 'togetherness model' which focuses on increasing instructor-learner engagement and promotes community building. Although these courses are conducted online, the live sessions make up for the traditional in-class interaction. People get an exclusive opportunity to befriend and learn from people globally and widen their perspectives.

To have a well-rounded understanding of cohort-based courses, check out our thorough guide, 'Cohort Based Course: the complete guide

Best Online Cohort-Based Courses

Recently, various cohort-style courses have appeared online. The availability of options can often confuse people when deciding which course to choose that will fulfill all their requirements. For this very purpose, Teachfloor has devised this brief yet informative list of top online cohort-based courses that interested people can check out.

The great thing about all of these courses mentioned is that they follow a career-focused approach. Most of them offer scholarships and 100% monetary refunds. They are well suited for both novice and proficient individuals. Not only will they improve them professionally but will prove equally beneficial for their personal growth as well.

Smart Passive Income (SPI)

Smart Passive Income Best Cohort Based Courses

First on the list is SPI: Smart Passive Income; a community that allows entrepreneurs - amateurs or experienced - to develop their skills and grow their online businesses. It was founded by Pat Flynn after being let off from his job post the 2008 economic setback. This led him to channelize his knowledge and create a community whereby he could help others direct their entrepreneurial destinies.

The platform provides specialized podcasts, guides, and beginner to expert level live courses to train individuals in establishing purpose-driven online businesses. SPI's flagship courses focus on delivering in-depth knowledge which makes the students business-critical in no time. Alongside, the exclusive office hours allow students to engage with instructors outside of class and receive personalized help.

Given the ever-rising competition in the markets, such a course can help you stand out and become a successful entrepreneur. Sign up for the next cohort to master the strategies and acquire the right expertise for your income growth!

Write of Passage by David Perell

Write of passage Best Cohort Based Courses

Write of Passage is the ultimate course for people looking to refine their writing skills and get published. Unlike the outdated method of school-taught writing, this follows a step-by-step structure that guides using a focused approach. By the end of the course, students will have published a series of insightful articles, created a successful blog, and improved their creative abilities drastically.

This rigorous course comprises 7 easy-to-follow modules,10 assignments, and four live writing sessions. And the fact that you will be publishing daily for the duration of this course will not only make you an impactful but a consistent creator as well. On top of David Perell's exclusive guidance, premium learners also get tips from guest experts.

Write of Passage upholds itself as a complete 'before-and-after transformation journey' for creators. Boost your influence as you grow as a writer and impress people all around you.

Be On Deck

be on deck

If you are looking for an interactive community of talented entrepreneurial individuals in hopes of supercharging your career, Be On Deck is exactly where you need to be. Its drop sessions bring together founders, investors, and career leaders from all over the globe as they explore new ideas together.

Participants get the rare chance to network with industry giants and seek their guidance every step of the way. Learn to scale and launch ideas, and find solutions to any business query collaboratively. The average price is $2500 USD for courses provided in this community.

Seek career guidance, innovate new ideas, establish a start-up, or simply build lifelong connections, the possibilities are endless with this community.

Pricing: Execs On Deck - $5000, On Deck Angels - $5000, On Deck Scale - $10000, Yearly membership - $2990

Building A Second Brain

building the second brain cohort based

Do not just consume information, instead, learn to channel and convert it into viable ideas. Build a Second Brain aims towards helping people organize learning and increase their creative output. Moreover, get a unique chance to be mentored by Tiago Forte, the revered productivity expert and founder of Forte Labs. The cohort is for freelancers, creators, entrepreneurs - basically anyone looking to improve information management abilities.

It follows the C.O.D.E. process, a four-step systemic method that turns information into creativity. Capture the information, learn to carefully organize it into compartments, and distill it down, and finally, express as creative ideas. This simple yet effective mechanism is certain to transform you as you learn to harness the full potential of your ideas.

Super Creative

supercreative school

Staying productive and motivated for creatives is an extremely difficult task that has been made near impossible by our current work-from-home lives. Super Creative has the perfect solution for this. It brings together two seemingly antagonistic words - creativity and productivity - together through its monthly creative challenges. These challenges are crafted to help people start publishing consistently and stay on track, be it as a writer or a designer.

It is an invite-only platform for the best designers with a desire to become even better, or rather 'super creative'. It comes in-built with project management, legal, and accounting tools to help reduce the cost of running a web brand or app design. The platform provides all the necessary resources and processes to help the creative within you fight off its unproductivity.


ascend - cohort based courses

There are not very many opportunities for women that help them develop key career skills and transform into leading professionals. Ascend is a premier online leadership program for women to influence associates, become team leaders, and progress. The six-week program listed at $1995 USD, enriches the participants; makes them believe in their abilities, and increases their confidence to leave an impressionable mark on the stakeholders.

Ascend follows an actionable, community-based, and accountability-generating approach. Develop new understanding through its step-by-step exercises along with a like-minded community of women. The support and tools the program provides will make one focused on their goals and helps achieve them easily.

Its specialized format teaches various career-elevating strategies that prepare women well for the corporate world. They manage to successfully apply them to tackle challenges at work and move up the occupational ladder.

Pricing: $3,500 for 6 weeks

The Design School of the Future

design school cohort course

Taught by Abhinav Chhikara, The Design School of the Future is an invite-only masterclass for designers looking to excel at UI/UX. It comprises real case studies, fortnightly design challenges, and live videos, to enable creators at designing impactful apps, and strengthen their portfolios. Its part-time curriculum structure allows people to participate at a comfortable pace and learn efficiently.

The masterclass incorporates tools like Figma and ProtoPie to make for practical learning and assists in converting your ideas into realities intuitively. The course costs $999 USD which needs to be paid upfront at the start of the course. However, there are also 3mo, 6mo, and 12mo EMI options available offered by Razorpay (option available only for Indian citizens).

You don't have to be a tech expert to be considered for this 13-week long course, its beginner-friendly model is for everyone with a passion for web design. Find the right opportunities to kick-start your design career with The Design School of the Future.

Pricing: $1,200 (or ₹95,499) for a 3-month cohort-based course

Ship 30 for 30

ship 30 for 30 cohort course

Writing alone can be hard and extremely boring. Most often than not, aspiring or experienced writers drop their ideas mid-way due to writers' block. They wait for days on end for creativity to strike again but instead give in to unproductively. Ship 30 for 30, led by Dickie Bush and Nicolas Cole, resolves this ultimate writers' dilemma. As a community of and for online writers, it helps participants build their online writing habit in just 30 days.

It works by assigning 30 atomic essays, each less than 250 words, to writers for a period of 30 days. As individual pieces are small, participants are less likely to slack off. In order to ensure accountability, participants get paired with a daily accountability partner who keeps them on their toes and makes them finish tasks on time. The pricing for the sessions varies between $250 to $299 USD depending on the enrollment period.

At the end of this program, members will have found their writing niche and published a series of articles online. Tackle the issues of procrastination, impostor syndrome and lack of inspiration, and become a consistent writer. And at the same time, engage with fellow writers and build life-long friendships.

Pricing: $699 with a money-back guarantee

8. Part-time Youtuber Academy

Part-time Youtuber Academy

Are you a Youtube content creator? And you’re having a hard time growing your channel? Worry no more! Ali Abdaal, one of the biggest stars on Youtube with 3.41 million subscribers started his own cohort-based course on how to level up your game as a Youtube creator. The Part-time Youtuber Academy is one of the best cohort-based courses today on the internet. It has now 2000+ community members in just a year and had annual recurring revenue of $4.7 million in 2021.

Pricing: Essential - $1995, Premium - $2995, Executive - $5995 with money-back guarantee. Installment payment is available. Scholarships are available too!

So what are you waiting for? Join the cohort and change your life by becoming one of the biggest influencers on Youtube.

9. Crypto College

Crypto College

Greg Isenberg, one of the biggest names in online communities launched his course on how to build thriving NFT, DAO, and social token projects. If you want to learn how you can thrive in this newest field of cryptocurrency and blockchain, might as well connect your wallet now and start minting. You can also join their Discord community to say WAGMI, connect to other like-minded folks, and start learning with them.

Pricing: 1 NFT = 1 access. 1 scholarship for every 10 NFTs minted

10. Product-Led Growth

Product-Led Growth

Built by Wes Bush, Product-Led Growth is for product managers and product teams who want to accelerate and create a successful product in the right way. This 4-week course tackles the product-led model, strategies on how to increase user conversion, and find the synergy as a product team. They also offer a free certification if you want to know the fundamentals and how they facilitate their course. Wes also wrote a book literally named Product-Led Growth.

Pricing: Trailblazer - $1999, Squad - $5397, Task Force - $8995 with money back guarantee

11. Dream Studio Course

Dream Studio Course

If Ali Abdaal has his Part-time Youtuber Academy, Kevin Shen has his Dream Studio Course where he will teach you how to set up your home that looks like a Hollywood studio! It’s a 6-week cohort-based course to build and improve your own professional-looking video setup at your home office.

It’s for beginner or intermediate video creators who want to learn the secret of Hollywood lighting, ideal camera settings, audio techniques, and so much more! So turn your normal home office into a professional-looking office space for your video recordings.

Pricing: Lite - $500, Course - $1500, Executive Package - $3000, with money-back guarantee


As we can see, Cohort-based courses are in increasing demand nowadays. More and more people are opting for online cohort courses instead of recorded courses. Having a mentor break down concepts face-to-face makes for easier and more effective learning. The model is also more cost-effective as compared to traditional school learning that crushes students under the weight of student loans.

With the help of the top online cohort-based courses listed above in the article, people can acquire key life skills to excel in their respective careers. Learn to channel your hidden talents and level up your professional profiles with personalized completion certificates.

In the world of cut-throat competition, it can be quite difficult to transform oneself into a top brand. Courses like these provide all the necessary tools and mentoring in order to become a productive and impactful person.

What to read next? If you’re a cohort-based course creator, find out how you can scale your course for free.

Read also: 23 Best Online Coding Bootcamps of 2025

👉🏽 Learn how to create a cohort-based course and scale it from 50 to 500.

Further reading

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