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August 5, 2024

Group Formation Activity

Group Formation Activity

We're excited to announce the launch of Group Formation, a new feature designed to facilitate collaborative learning and group-based activities on Teachfloor. This feature empowers instructors and students to create and manage groups seamlessly, laying the groundwork for collaborative projects and assignments.

Unlock the Power of Group Work

Our Group Formation Activity empowers both instructors and students to create and manage groups within the Teachfloor platform, laying the groundwork for seamless group submissions and future collaborative activities.

Key Features:

  • Flexible Group Creation: Choose between two options for group formation:
    • Student-Led Groups: Learners can create their own groups, with instructors setting the minimum and maximum number of members per group. Each student must join or create a group to complete the activity.
    • Instructor-Led Groups: Instructors have the control to create and assign member to groups.
  • Integrated Group Chat: Enable the chat feature within the Group Formation Activity to facilitate communication among group members. This chat serves as a vital tool for organizing tasks, discussing strategies, and ensuring everyone is aligned on group objectives.
  • Seamless Integration with Group Submission: Once groups are formed, they can be easily connected to the existing Group Submission feature. This allows for smooth submission of group work and lays the foundation for future collaborative activities currently in development.



The new Group Formation Activity is a game-changer for collaborative learning on Teachfloor, enabling effective group work and fostering stronger connections among students. Whether you’re an instructor looking to structure group assignments or a student eager to collaborate, this feature is designed to meet your needs.

Explore the Group Formation Activity today and take your course collaboration to the next level!

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